The Team

The Team

Amadeu Portilha

1968 – Guimarães – manager, economic consultant e certified accountant

Graduated in Public Adminstration in 1992, from the University of Minho. Is a founding partner of SEAGA, Lda, since 1992—SEAGA is a consultancy company, specializing in economic, financial, fiscal and parafiscal management.

Amadeu is the director of the department of projects and economic studies.

Has been a mentor and trainer since 2014, mentoring and training young entrepreneurs, creatives and artists in the areas of organization, economics, finance and management.

He is a founding partner of O Eixo do Jazz, of which he was president, and has been managing partner of Dentro da Caixa Produções since January 2016.

Amadeu enjoys playing tennis and table tennis, good food, and good wine.

Cristina Marvão

1966 – Porto – designer, creative thinker

Has worked, since 1984, in several areas:

  • design and advertising
  • marketing
  • photographic production
  • events production

In 1989, made a small foray (of a few months) into the jazz scene as manager of a jazz orchestra.

Since 1990, Cristina has been doing graphic and textile design. In 1992, she created the Depósito de Arte, but as there was no internet yet, the project was postponed. Depósito de Arte was a micro company whose main objective was to promote the work of designers, plastic artists, and musicians with companies and entities, supporting them in the commercial area and production.

She was always more connected to design but in 2011 she definitively embraced culture, and in 2017 she founded O Eixo do Jazz, a Portuguese-Galician association for the promotion of Jazz, of which she has been president since the beginning of 2020.

Cristina is so fond of food and drink that she once owned a restaurant (in '93/'94). Doesn't play tennis or anything like that, though.